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Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:38 pm
by stevebrooks
Ah, I see that Musk, who wants to turn off Starlink to Ukraine because he doesn't want to be seen as assisting in the war effort of a foreign country, or some such shit, not sure how he is justifying it, has suggested that maybe the way to settle tensions between China and Taiwan is...well, to put it bluntly, withdraw US support for Taiwan and let China take over by force, yes you heard that, just let China invade and take over, and of course he isn't war-mongering, this is just a natural process like Hawaii becoming a US state.

To be clear the white settlers in Hawaii performed an illegal coup, with the help of a US warship based off the coast and basically forced the last monarch of Hawaii to sign papers giving up power at gunpoint, this is clearly what Musk meant when he said Taiwan was naturally part of China just like Hawaii was naturally part of the US!
By the 1870s, treaties tied Hawaiian trade increasingly to the U.S. economy, while the wealthy planter class worked actively to undercut the sovereignty of Native rule. In 1887, in what came to be known as the “Bayonet Constitution,” they forced King David Kalakaua, at gunpoint, to sign a constitution that drained the monarchy of power and effectively denied suffrage to anyone who wasn’t a white, English-speaking property owner.

On January 17, 1893, a small group of white planters and businessmen successfully overthrew the last Hawaiian monarch, Queen Lili’uokalani. They had help from America’s envoy to Hawaii who, without authorization, had conspired to place a U.S. warship off the coast, threatening invasion if the Queen resisted. Despite President Grover Cleveland’s condemnation of the coup and verbal support for the queen, the provisional government refused to step down, and established the Republic of Hawaii.
The man becomes a bigger fool every time he opens his mouth!

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:09 am
by stevebrooks
What is he up to now? Well I believe he is probably preparing to appear before the US Senate Armed Services Committee who are probing the curious coincidence of Starlink going down the exact same time Ukraine were preparing to attack the Russian Black Sea Fleet!
The Senate Armed Services Committee has launched a probe into Elon Musk’s withholding of Starlink communications support from Ukrainian forces after revelations the billionaire may have stepped in to thwart an attempted attack on Russian ships. “The committee is aggressively probing this issue from every angle,” Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) said in a statement.
So this should be entertaining at least! ... in-ukraine

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:02 am
by wadaye
He is a serial polygamist abusing women as surrogates.
Completely anti social, misogynist

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 12:14 pm
by joele
Looks like they are still artificially slowing links to competitors. Should trigger an antitrust case IMHO.
Twitter continues to slow traffic to competing sites nearly a month after it partially pulled back from such throttling, a Markup analysis has found.

Users of the social platform, now officially known as X, are made to wait on average about two and a half seconds after clicking on links to Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, and Substack, the analysis found. That’s more than 60 times longer than the average wait for links to other sites. ... r-yourself

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:21 pm
by Irrev-Black
Apparently, there are lots of adjustments one must make, if one is to drive a SpaceKarenCar.

It sounds to me like some are counter-productive, if not straight-out unsafe. ... /102833718

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 6:58 pm
by stevebrooks
Irrev-Black wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:21 pmApparently, there are lots of adjustments one must make, if one is to drive a SpaceKarenCar.

It sounds to me like some are counter-productive, if not straight-out unsafe
Yep, that's exactly the wrong way to do it funnily enough. You want people to accept electric cars you make them easy to operate, we have indicator lights, speedo and etc directly in front of the driver for a reason, because this is information important to driving the car. That bit about reversing, when you put it in reverse the side mirrors fold down so you can't use them, you have to use the read camera? How does that tell me how close to that pole in the corner of the driveway is to the side of the car? It doesn't does it! I can skillfully reverse a car using side mirrors and rearview mirror, the reversing camera should be an added safety feature, none of this makes any sense at all!

Oh well if I ever get an EV, and with Sodium batteries supposedly coming online and in vehicles by the end of 2023, it may in fact be sooner than I thought, but it will certainly never be a Tesla!

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:58 am
by pipbarber
If i was given a Tesla i'd sell it immediately, not only because Musk is a childish idiot racist Nazi sociopath, but because i'd never be able to afford the inevitable subscription costs that no doubt will bloom like a toxic virus.

'You want to indicate? Oh but you haven't paid your subscription for indicator use....'

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:32 am
by stylofone
When you're reversing out of a parking space and turning at the same time, the camera is great at first, but using the side mirrors you can see if there's any space between you and an obstacle to either side, and determine whether you need to go forwards and make it a 3-point turn, or keep going backwards until you have a clear space in front to zoom off. I wonder if Australian Teslas are different, because it sounds really really dumb to me and that alone would put me off, even without the nazi shit.

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:18 pm
by Irrev-Black
pipbarber wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:58 am If i was given a Tesla i'd sell it immediately, not only because Musk is a childish idiot racist Nazi sociopath, but because i'd never be able to afford the inevitable subscription costs that no doubt will bloom like a toxic virus.

'You want to indicate? Oh but you haven't paid your subscription for indicator use....'
Or a clerical error suddenly gave SpaceBratCarCo the urge to cut off access to the charge feature... on your electric car. ... g-her-car/

Re: What is Elon Musk up to now..

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:27 pm
by Loki
Or you make a post musk doesn't like on Xitter so he bans all your accounts and then your car won't start.

Don't go thinking that's it's too far fetched. Musk has famously thin skin.