... ded-in-bed
It impacted me, a mild inconvenience really that was mitigated by being in houses with telstra internet connections. But i did have to drive people to a funeral on wednesday and we got a bit lost because i couldn't access a map app. Others, as the article above demonstrates, were severely impacted.
It does provide a moment of wide eyed anxiety to consider what would happen if telstra had collapsed at the same time. Our societal reliance on the interwebs is, to me, alarming.
That classic cartoon of the fiendish bomb throwing anarchist sprang to mind this week. If you really wanted to throw a bomb at a society all you need do is shut the internet down. An obvious and inevitable observation perhaps but pertinent this week.
I also noted an article from somewhere that said some people have up to 30 connected devices in their house! My luddite conclusion: don't use tech if there is a non-tech option.