What led to WW2 was the appeasement of Nazi Germany by "peacemakers." Maybe good intentioned but ultimately idiotic peacemakers who thought that giving in to the aggressors demands would bring lasting peace. If Russia is stopped in Ukraine and kicked out it will likely end there, if you give in and give Ukraine to Russia it will just give encouragement to Putin that he can do the same to other countries. Not only should other countries be involved, they should be involved far more extensively than they are at the moment. This man is an idiot, let's not listen to him. This is a man who, on visiting the Pearl Harbour Memorial of the Arizona had to ask one of his entourage why they were there and what it was all about!Speaking at a news conference with the French President, Mr Trump said tensions between Ukraine and Russia could spill over.
“There will be a point where it is not going to stop at those two countries,” he said.
“Already there is such involvement from other countries and it could really lead to a very big war, World War III, and we are not gonna let that happen either.”
https://www.publicopiniononline.com/sto ... 657580002/In November 2017, Trump arranged for a private tour and photo op at the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor.
As Trump arrived. He asked John Kelly. "Hey, John, what's this all about? What's this a tour of?" Kelly was taken back. Disrespected. John Kelly is a retired Marine Corps general and a Gold Star father. After he retired from the Marine Corps, he took charge of the Department of Homeland Security before acting as Trump's chief of staff. Kelly eventually resigned.
Trump seemed not to grasp that the USS Arizona Memorial is a hallowed tribute to the more than 3,546 armed service members and civilians who died or were seriously injured in the 1941 assault.
You can't expect a man of this level of ignorance to try and end a war, his idea of ending the war is basically for Ukraine to surrender, that never ends well, once you surrender that sets you on a path to surrender the next time Putin invaded a country, it would never end!