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Something humans never known before?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:32 pm
by stevebrooks
Honestly I am struggling with this one, I don't know exactly what they are referring to, it all seems perfectly normal for a functioning society;
A secret room buried in the rubble of the ancient city of Pompeii has shed light on something humans have never known before. ... 73842efe0c

Re: Something humans never known before?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 5:45 pm
by pipbarber
I read through that, did they mix up the headline? Pompeii might even exceed Egypt as the most surveyed archeological site on the planet, based on the fact that getting there, obtaining permits and visas, and cultural familiarity make Italy rather easier than Egypt. What on earth could Pompeii yield, at this point, that constitutes something humans have never known?

Sounds like they discovered a spare room full of tools, bits of rope and junk! Wow...stop the press Rupert....

Re: Something humans never known before?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 5:58 pm
by stylofone
Maybe there's a half-day training course they provide for the headline writers. Actually I think this headline writer wasn't paying attention. Mysterious pseudo-archaeology headlines should only be written when you want to imply that brown people couldn't possibly have created something impressive, so it must have been a "lost civilisation" like Atlantis.

In this case the headline writer missed the real topic, which is of course SEX! "Historians shocked by randy Pompeii pervs' penis eruption".