Strongly agree... yet his columns don't seem to make the front page of the Australian edition.
IIRC soil credits are a huge part of Australia's bogus net zero calculations.
Another one is not clearing land, which is like giving yourself a bravery medal for not murdering someone and claiming you saved their life.
Methane emissions from mining are calculated with figures provided by the fossil fuel miners. Satellite detection reveals what a load of crap their figures are.
Even evidence like that doesn't seem to shift the dial. My summation is that only the disaster itself will prompt action to prevent the disaster. It's already here now, but what I'm thinking of is a really big bad year or two year period where we get to cross off a large number of major events on a bingo card: food inflation due to worldwide shortages; multiple cat 5 hurricanes hitting southern US; famines worse than the usual ones caused by war and chaos; tens of thousands of deaths from extreme heat in places like Phoenix and Mecca; large portions of one or more major coastal cities becoming uninhabitable due to erosion/sea level rise; mass death events of animals and plants in multiple sensitive environments; a global financial crisis triggered by all of the above as well as the collapse of various insurance companies and related investment entities.
I really don't know when all that will happen, maybe it will be all spread out, maybe it will be later rather than sooner. But I'm assuming it will be in my lifetime and I'm thinking about how I'll handle it.