Climate Change

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Re: Climate Change

Post by stylofone »

stylofone wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 2:48 pm they're going to keep on making it worse for another six years. Faaaark!
Ha ha, I just realised I made a mistake. They promise to make it worse for another 36 years. They will increase the amount they make it worse every year for the next six years. Then in 2031 they will make it worse but by not as much as they did in 2030. By 2060 they promise to stop making it worse and just leave it as terrible as it is by then.

And remember, their definition of making it worse contains as much cheating and wishful thinking as they can get away with. And also they will miss their targets and break their promises (such as they are) so it will almost certainly be worse again. America, Europe, Australia, etc., all have a similar plan, although they only promise to make it worse for 26 years, not 36..
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Re: Climate Change

Post by Irrev-Black »

While the denier types of Toontown wander round dissing the BoM, the reason for the unpredictability escapes them.
"Global weirding" was a term coined in the early 2000s but never really took off.

More recently United Nations secretary-general António Guterres described it as "climate breakdown".

ANU water expert Albert van Dijk said "global increased variability" would be the more technical term, though it's not very catchy.

"We swing more violently from dry periods to wet periods; from hot periods to cool periods," he said.

"The globe is getting warmer, but it doesn't mean it's always everywhere warmer, it can also be colder, actually.

"The whole climate system is more violent, if you like the pendulum swings wider than it used to."

It encapsulates why many people in Australia have felt anecdotally like it's been a weird summer, including Professor van Dijk, who lives on the Gold Coast.

"We had a mini tornado over Christmas and then shortly after that 500 millimetres of rain, it was pretty weird in many ways," he said.

"The weather is behaving more erratically."
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Re: Climate Change

Post by stylofone »

This graph has been posted a few times recently. It continues to be alarming.

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 09-12-59 Climate Reanalyzer.jpg
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Re: Climate Change

Post by stylofone »

The Joe Sixpack guy who just gets violent when a scientist explains climate change to him. Unfortunately it rings true.

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Re: Climate Change

Post by stylofone »

More concise, an accurate oil company ad:

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Re: Climate Change

Post by stylofone »

No, Jim Chalmers, faster rejection of oil and gas projects would be good for the environment. Faster approvals will accelerate our journey to oblivion.
Chalmers vows faster gas, mining project approvals

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has vowed to establish faster approvals process for gas and mining projects.

“We agree that there is a need to update Australia’s offshore regulatory gas arrangements and broader environmental approval processes,” he says.

Chalmers tells The Australian Financial Review Business Summit that the government will use better technology to identify the environmental risks of different projects to streamline the approval process.

“We will clarify consultation requirements for offshore oil and gas storage regulatory approvals, making consultation more targeted and more effective, and will provide better upfront guidance on when approvals are required.

“Our changes are designed to be better for the environment, better for business, and better for our economy.”
Probably a paywalled link, but it works for me.
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Re: Climate Change

Post by Irrev-Black »

stylofone wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:41 am
Sez Charmin' Jim:
“Our changes are designed to be better for the environment, better for business, and better for our economy.”
Is this like "on time, on budget, up to standard: can't have all three"?

Methinks he needs one of Doc Cracked Pot's Perpetual Motion Devices.
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Re: Climate Change

Post by pipbarber »

There's a certain irony about the likelihood of a greens led coalition with environment independents forming government in Australia only after it's too late to do anything but survive. Until then we're stuck on this laboral seesaw. And we're all probably addicted to that sense of relief we feel when the conservative side of duopolies lose, but it leads nowhere, really.
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Re: Climate Change

Post by stylofone »

I'm not sure if I wasn't paying attention, but January was 1.7 degrees above the pre-industrial average. It also brought the average for the preceding 12 months to over 1.5. The trajectory now is for the long-term 1.5 benchamrk to be broken by 2030, that seems to be mainstream. So that goal of the Paris agreement is dead. Overall the crisis seems to be accelerating, as you would expect with emissions rising so alarmingly. ... ming-mark/
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Re: Climate Change

Post by Irrev-Black »

Preparing for a significant be-reef-ment.
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