USA Far Right Watch

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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

Republicans' in Congress, "we don't need to pass the border bill, Biden already has the power to solve the immigrant crisis." Biden, "ok, here's some executive action to solve the crisis." Texas Governor, "no we reject Biden executive action to solve the immigrant crisis." :roll:

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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

Texas trying to kill people sorry trying to kill women, they aren't really people to them are they!
"With this condition, in particular, because the head, the fetal head, develops at a different rate, often because of fluid collections, most of the time vaginal delivery is not an option. And so cesarean delivery is required," McHugh said. "And this is going to be major abdominal surgery, with risks associated with it -- for a baby that has maybe no chance of a normal life or potentially of survival at all, depending on the severity."
So baby dead for sure, major surgery with associated risks, how is this not an exception?
Unable to get care in Texas, Beaton said she booked an appointment to get an abortion at a clinic in New Mexico in February.

But, she said when she went in for an ultrasound days before her appointment, she was told her baby's head had grown too big and she could no longer get the procedure. The facility's cutoff for abortions is 23 weeks and six days she said and the fetus's head was already measuring at what it typically would at over 23 weeks of pregnancy.
How is this not already threatening the life of the mother? What is wrong with these people?
Beaton said her physicians in Texas contacted other doctors in the state, hoping they had heard of an alternative regarding the state's laws that would permit them to induce her labor since the baby's head was at full term. Ultimately, Beaton said, doctors determined the size of the baby's head was not a good enough reason to induce labor because her health is still not at risk.
Basically they think the think because she's not about to die her health isn't at risk? But if it continues the health risks become so great she may not survive!
Rouse said Beaton's C-section could be more complicated and risky as her pregnancy continues.

"You worry about ongoing growth of the fetal head of causing more complications at the time of delivery, like hemorrhage, needing a blood transfusion, needing to use a larger incision on her abdomen in order to to remove the infant, needing to use a larger and different incision on the uterus in order to remove the infant," Rouse said. "There's a risk of possibly uterine rupture just because of the stretch on the uterus. All of these things would make me pretty worried."
These people are literally insane if they don't consider this a risk to the mothers health and life, wtf! ... d=97918340
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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

Still mad, but now wants to kill all jet travel;
Last November, he took to Facebook to post yet another contrail photo. “I have legislation to stop this,” he said. “I took this at 4:15pm Monday in Chambersburg. Normal contrails dissolve / evaporate within 30-90 seconds.”
So he's proposing legislation to ban contrails, which will ground most jets because if you get charged with a crime every time one of your jets leaves a contrail you won't be in business long! ... acy-theory
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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

Dem flips seat in Alabama by running on protecting reproductive rights, who could have predicted that?

This is the same seat she ran for last time an election was held and she lost, this time she won, and not by a little bit;
Lands, a licensed professional counselor, flipped the seat from red to blue by besting Powell, a Madison city councilman, 62 percent to 38 percent with 100percent of the precincts in District 10 reporting, according to unofficial results posted on the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office website.
Just a little point, the sitting Republican member resigned after being found guilty of illegally voting, oh what a surprise. Also after some research I discover that he won the seat %52 to %45 in November, that is such a huge swing it's almost unbelievable, and this is Alabama, the deep heart of the Republican party! ... -seat.html
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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by pipbarber »

It's been for awhile now, i've dared not jinx it, but i 'feel' (which means nothing) that the abyss of MAGA neofascism has been glimpsed and grasped and increasingly rejected. Everyday that passes i'm feeling less terrified that Trump will win. Still nervous, obviously, and Biden is a terrible candidate but the orange fool and his idiotic agenda seems to be starting to exceed a level of stupid that is turning people off. I'll have a new found respect for the average American if Biden wins in a landslide. The US far right are insane. Surely there are many who voted for Trump in 16 and also 20 who will not bother this time around.

Of course there's still a long way to go. I hope i'm feeling this way in October.
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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stylofone »

pipbarber wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:00 pm It's been for awhile now, i've dared not jinx it, but i 'feel' (which means nothing) that the abyss of MAGA neofascism has been glimpsed and grasped and increasingly rejected. Everyday that passes i'm feeling less terrified that Trump will win. Still nervous, obviously, and Biden is a terrible candidate but the orange fool and his idiotic agenda seems to be starting to exceed a level of stupid that is turning people off. I'll have a new found respect for the average American if Biden wins in a landslide. The US far right are insane. Surely there are many who voted for Trump in 16 and also 20 who will not bother this time around.

Of course there's still a long way to go. I hope i'm feeling this way in October.
I had similar vibes after Nikki Haley dropped out. It seemed like they'd reached the point of no return for getting anyone else to run instead of the two ancient white men. At that point you face the reality it's 2020 all over again, except that Trump is even worse now, and you are once again a supporter of the category "anyone but Trump". The candidate can be 81 and not be Trump, they can be 101 and still be better than Trump. They could be the mouldy lettuce who lasted longer than Liz Truss and still be preferable to a freak who can't even be bothered to hide his nazi sympathies any more.
I can feel it
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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

There are some indicators that this exact moment is a tipping point.

For instance polls indicating which party the majority of American's want in power have been level just about level with variations in the range 0.1 of a point for the last few weeks, 8th of March Republicans were the clear winner, they can't be told apart now, they are probably going to separate over the next week or so, should be interesting. I can't see anything Trump saying increasing the Republican's score, and the Republican's in the house have just abandoned the Biden impeachment effort, this is sure to cause some changes in preference as the US population reflects on these failures; ... llot/2024/

Biden popularity rating has been particularly poor since November last year, these have show marked changes over the last few weeks, with his disapproval rating dropping sharply back to pre-November and Approve rating climbing sharply, he's now more popular than he was since September last year. Let's not get to Optimistic though, they are both still really bad and both worse than Trumps ratings; ... al-rating/

However the good news is Trumps rating seems to be either holding steady or going in the opposite direction, this is the time in the election campaign when they should be showing movement, there's a tiny trend of them moving to more disapprove and less approve since the beginning of March but not enough to really consider significant, these, I suspect, are the figures we should be watching carefully. I will keep an eye on them myself, but the tide may be turning on Biden's favour of these trends continue. We will just have to wait and see; ... ald-trump/

The recent Alabama local election as mentioned above may be significant if the swing is that large in one of the deepest red states in the country. Polls will probably take a few days to a week to catch up to events.
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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

Ok here's something interesting regarding the polling and the companies doing the polling. The generic ballot, the first one I posted draws data from 6 pollsters, you can see them lower in the link. 3 of them have Democrats leading and one is even, but there's a massive outlier, McLaughlin Associates which gives Republicans a +5 value. It's this single value that keep Republicans level with Democrats. The others are +3, +1, +1 to dems, an even pollster and 2 to Repubs, a +1 and the +5, and that +5 seems out of range and exceedingly unlikely given 3 favour for dems and and only 2 favour for repubs. The even doesn't really count here.

So I looked them up, and wouldn't you know, front page of their website I see this;


2 front page links to Newsmax articles, nothing else, highly suspicions. Newsmax is such a partisan news site that I don't see any possibility a non-biased polling company would post links to Newsmax articles, specially of they are the only two they link to, so that throws their contribution to this graph absolutely inadmissible, so let's say we remove it and the highest Democrat rated polling site, that gives Dem's a clear lead in the approval rating for the election.
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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

One of the candidates for Utah governor said the Baltimore ship crash was caused by diversity, I won't insult your intelligence by telling you which party he belongs to!

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Re: USA Far Right Watch

Post by stevebrooks »

stevebrooks wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 9:50 pm There are some indicators that this exact moment is a tipping point.

For instance polls indicating which party the majority of American's want in power have been level just about level with variations in the range 0.1 of a point for the last few weeks, 8th of March Republicans were the clear winner, they can't be told apart now, they are probably going to separate over the next week or so, should be interesting. I can't see anything Trump saying increasing the Republican's score, and the Republican's in the house have just abandoned the Biden impeachment effort, this is sure to cause some changes in preference as the US population reflects on these failures; ... llot/2024/
Well that changed quickly, the only pollsters giving Rep's any points at all is now McLaughlin and associates, the rest are either neutral or plus for the Dem's, with McLaughlin still sitting steady at +5 for Rep's. Their outlier status seems to be set in stone, it may be the way they do their polls, but a consistent outlier should be dropped as unreliable. Dem's have pulled out to 0.2 ahead of Rep's, the trends on the other graphs are still continuing and mainstream media is now reporting that Biden is gaining on Trump, so that's all good new, he has months ahead of him to push Trump down the ratings.
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