Ok there are several reason to post this, but for now I will put it here because of the HUGE language foulup;
Independent Victorian Liberal MP Moira Deeming, who was defenestrated from the Liberal Party room after attending a rally critical of transgender beliefs, reposted a photo of the “fascist graves are gender neutral toilets” sign to her X account in the late afternoon.
They threw her out the fucking window? Ok while I can see arguments that this might be a bit extreme, it may have been the fastest way to get rid of here, and if it was the ground floor, well not so bad, although I somehow suspect this didn't really happen.
The SMH/Age quiz is part of my morning ritual, but they have had a few shockers recently. Yes, the name is meant to sound like "asterisk", but it's NOT the same.
Screenshot 2024-08-19 at 08-29-38 Superquiz Monday August 19.png (20.15 KiB) Viewed 1036 times
A teenager has been attacked with a machete by a group of unknown people, who are alleged to have fled the scene.
They are "alleged" to have fled the scene, you mean they weren't standing there waving machetes around when the police were there? But they have only been "alleged" to have fled the scene.
Later in the same article;
The alleged offenders then fled on foot.
I thought they were only alleged to have fled on foot but were definitely the attackers, now they have definitely fled on foot but are now only alleged attackers?
I'm listening to the ABC's Peter Lusted talking about the coalition's newkiller policy. I've lost count of the others talking about anti-seMETTik attacks.