Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

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Re: Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

Post by stevebrooks »

Another day another solid state battery announcement, I mean seriously there's no point in following these videos much anymore until they are actually being used in EV's. It seems every car maker and every country now has their own version, and you have to wonder how many of them are just me-to'ing to keep the investors on their toes and discourage them from taking the money away. So this will be the last solid state battery video I post until there's actually cars out there driving around with them.

We know it's coming, the amount of research and money being invested is staggering, the number of different technologies is equally as staggering, it's the old VHS/Beta wars all over again, one, maybe even a couple, will take the market by storm, I doubt if there will be dozens, this particular sudden announcement from the US is to, well, convenient. With Trump ready to take office and slap on tariffs, with the current bans on CATL, the worlds largest battery maker, with China being the outright winner in the Lithium wars it just seems timed to opportunistically, expect investors to start throwing money at them, but there's a good chance it's more hype than substance!

EV's are coming, maybe slower to Australia than the rest of the world, and that's a damning indictment on our political landscape, but they are coming no matter what Dutton seems to think.

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Re: Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

Post by stevebrooks »

Hydrogen fuel cell cars, the cars of the future......ok stop laughing, people are hurting. Hydrogen fuel for these cars cost $12 per kilogram in 2021, so with all the new cars and infrastructure using hydrogen that's surely dropped right? Well, it now costs $36 a kilogram, and there are fewer hydrogen filling stations around because Shell found it was making a huge loss on the pumps and just shut all their pumps down.

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Re: Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

Post by stevebrooks »

Batteries, no not solid state batteries I am not posting on that subject anymore until they actually come out and people can buy cars with them, the regular non-solid state ones in EV's at the moment, turns out they are actually lasting far longer and losing less efficiency thant early lab results predicted, basically because, well lab results simply don't and never will exactly equate to actual real data from ten years of battery usage on the road!

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Re: Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

Post by stylofone »

I'm impatient to stop burning petrol and get an EV, but my car (Corolla hybrid) is too new to replace. I need to hang on to it for at least two more years, maybe four or five. I thought about getting an ebike as a more cost-effective and low emissions way to go electric. Then I looked at the roads I'd be riding on and i realised that human-powered is actually better for my purposes than an electric bike. The hills aren't too bad, and the exertion required is more pleasurable than having an electric motor do it for me. So after a test ride I bought one of these. I've kind of fallen in love with it. I'm collecting it on Friday.

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Re: Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

Post by nibble »

Nice bike. If you can pedal then better for you. I ride to work a few days a week and love it. Keeps me fit.
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Re: Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

Post by stevebrooks »

Toyota for the last 20 years, "hydrogen, Hydrogen, HYDROGEN....."

Toyota now, "new copper flouride EV battery will double driving range"

You've gotta laugh sometimes right?

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Re: Electric + Human-Powered Vehicles

Post by stevebrooks »

Now here's an interesting one, Australian as well, EV trucks with fast swap batteries.

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