Toontown - Violent Religious Nutter (Yet Another)

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Toontown - Violent Religious Nutter (Yet Another)

Post by Irrev-Black »

From QNews:
A religious nutter previously noted for launching verbal assaults and spitting at Toowoomba gay men, has now physically assaulted a man he knew to be gay on a dark street.

The identity of the perpetrator is not known. But his history of unprovoked verbal assaults and spitting is well-known. The sturdily built warrior for Christ frequently launches unprovoked verbal attacks on slightly built gay men – day and night.

Previous victims of the religious nutter report having abuse screamed at them.

“I hope you burn in hell, you filthy f*ggot.”

Incidents often occur in the vicinity of Toowoomba’s main shopping centre. Victims say they were usually left to deal with the abuse on their own as shoppers scurried away, scared off by the man whose build and demeanour are both described as intimidating.

However, until now, the man restricted his physical actions to spitting in the direction of his victims.

But on the night of March 28, the man followed his victim along Toowoomba’s main street at night. When he caught up to his prey, he hurled the much smaller man to the bitumen pavement causing grazing to the back of the victim’s head, and one knee.

The religious nutter then grabbed his victim’s arm and threatened to break it. Despite his efforts the arm was not broken but dislocated.

The victim reported the assault to Toowoomba police, and QNews encourages any other victims of this man to lodge complaints.

The incident comes as Australia’s religious leaders crusade against the recommendation of the Australian Law Reform Commission to extend protections against religious discrimination to students and teachers.

Perhaps they should spend a little more time teaching their flock to behave civilly. ... a-gay-men/
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Re: Toontown - Violent Religious Nutter (Yet Another)

Post by Irrev-Black »

Irrev-Black wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:51 pm From QNews:
A religious nutter previously noted for launching verbal assaults and spitting at Toowoomba gay men, has now physically assaulted a man he knew to be gay on a dark street.

It was about twelve months ago, a different religious nutter lit into Herself and yours truly at a different shopping centre in the jolly old Toontown, carrying on about transwomen and god and similar hooey, mostly in my direction, and getting all Old Testicle about it.

As Security led him away, I was quite taken by the amount of tattoos adorning him, and wondered if he was familiar with his silly book.
Leviticus 19:28 - You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.
Greedy fuckers cannot self-regulate.
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