The Brian "Hillsong" Houston Case

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The Brian "Hillsong" Houston Case

Post by Irrev-Black »

Magistrate found Houston not guilty.

It's still a dirty business.
Houston argued he did not report his father's abuse to the police because he did not believe Sengstock wanted that to happen.

He also suggested Sengstock was by then an adult who could have reported the abuse himself.

Magistrate Gareth Christofi found Houston not guilty on Thursday in Sydney's Downing Centre Local Court.

His excuse for not reporting the abuse was a reasonable one, the magistrate said.

"Victims of sexual abuse ought to feel safe to confide in others without being concerned they are exposing those others to a criminal offence," Christofi said.

Sengstock said he never told Houston he did not want the abuse reported, a point of dispute at the hearing.

But Christofi said regardless of what Sengstock told Houston, the Hillsong leader had been told of the abuse survivor's attitude by others.

The prosecution said Houston had adopted a convenient excuse to avoid reporting the matter to authorities in order to protect both the church and his father.

Christofi said proving that claim beyond reasonable doubt was "a tall order indeed".

It was also submitted Houston had used vague language when he spoke publicly about his father's abuse and removal as a minister. ... /taw3iw4fy
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Re: The Brian "Hillsong" Houston Case

Post by Irrev-Black »

Twitter hack or "Whoops! That should have gone in my search engine!"?

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