NZ Politics

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NZ Politics

Post by Irrev-Black »

In the wake of the Ardern Enlightenment, backpedalling toward the Bronze Age at breakneck speed! ... education/
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Re: NZ Politics

Post by Irrev-Black »

Sorry, this should have been in Politics.

Fixing that now!
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Re: NZ Politics

Post by Irrev-Black »

The First Enzedders are copping it too.
A new centre-right government of the National Party, New Zealand First and ACT New Zealand was elected last month, and the three parties’ coalition agreement outlines plans to wind back the use of Maori language, review affirmative action policies and assess how the country’s founding treaty document is interpreted in legislation. ... 5ep1x.html
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Re: NZ Politics

Post by Irrev-Black »

Watching this one. Fuckin' white supremacists trying to wind back a historic treaty.
New Zealand once enjoyed a favourable reputation on race relations, but fewer than 100 days into the new government, Māori leaders have slammed its agenda as a "white supremacist approach".

That strong language is coming from a co-leader of The Māori Party, but Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is facing criticism from several sources as well as mounting legal challenges.

In the space of a week, a legal document leaked from the Ministry of Justice has shed some light on a controversial bill being drafted that aims to rewrite the principles of New Zealand's founding document — the Treaty of Waitangi.

And the Māori King, Te Arikinui Tūheitia Paki, held the first national hui — or meeting of Māori — in a decade to discuss the government's agenda.

While 3,000 people were expected to attend the hui, more than 10,000 showed up.

Then, on Wednesday, a senior Māori leader issued a warning: "If there is any measure of meddling with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Māori will not sit idly by."

This is all against a backdrop of protests and legal challenges as Māori organisations try to halt some of the government's policy changes that they say will disproportionately impact New Zealand's first people.

Co-leader of Te Pati Māori (The Māori Party) Debbie Ngarewa-Packer told the ABC that Māori leaders will "continue to grow the resistance".

"I think it's a humiliating state for this government to be in when the rest of the world can see that there are strong accusations coming from Māori," she said.

"They are being called an anti-Māori government, they're being called out as practising white supremacy in how they're trying to diminish our Māori language, how they're trying to diminish initiatives that help us to stay alive." ... /103375440
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