Bloody Centrelink!

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Bloody Centrelink!

Post by Irrev-Black »

Yeah, needs a thread all its own.

CPSU members at C'link are striking today.

And the AUWU are surveying people to see how their C'link experience is.
#CentreStink Reporting Line

Wait times for basic services are ballooning, and the phones go unanswered. We want to know what your experience is been like, so we set up the #CentreStink Reporting Line so you can let us know just how stinky Centrelink is getting.

This survey is designed to capture information about current issues you are experiencing, not previous issues. The reason for this is that we are trying to build a snapshot of what is currently going on at Centrelink. If you'd like to tell us about a previous issue, you are welcome to detail these experiences in the survey question which asks for any additional detail you'd like to add.
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Re: Bloody Centrelink!

Post by Irrev-Black »

The CPSU is campaigning for a revival, in 21st C form, of the Commonwealth Employment Service we used to have.
As part of our ongoing Proud to be Public campaign to Bring Back the CES we've been actively pushing for change with the government and building support in the community.

Policy Forum:
Exciting news! The CPSU is hosting a policy forum on Bringing back the Commonwealth Employment Service and you are invited! You have the option to attend in person or via Zoom (Details are below)

There are guest speakers lined up, including Matthew Harrison from the CPSU, Karen Batt from the CPSU SPSF Victoria, and Luke Hilakari from Victorian Trades Hall. They will shed light on the current employment services model, discuss creating a modern CES, and engage in a Q&A session.

We know that there is a huge amount of experience and knowledge amongst our Bring Back the CES campaign supporters and we are very eager to listen to your thoughts and ideas.

Event details:
Date and Time: Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 6-7:30 pm
Location: Victorian Trades Hall (with an online option via Zoom)
Registration: Please register here to receive the Zoom link.
Feel free to spread the word

Campaign Update:
If you haven't already, check out our campaign page here to learn more and add your voice to the petition.
ZOOM REGO LINK ... 9Sv_qNHxIkCampaign Page
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Re: Bloody Centrelink!

Post by Irrev-Black »

Robodeath! ... sion-twice
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