MX Linux 23 now available

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MX Linux 23 now available

Post by joele »

Very niche interest item ;-)

However I'm super happy for a new release (once every few years) and gives me the change to do a clean install (spring clean).

MX Linux is a derivative of Debian (which Ubuntu and all it's derivatives are also a derivative of) with an interesting approach to package management.

Debian has 3 flavours, stable (great for servers), testing (not bad for desktop) and unstable (avoid unless a developer working on it).

So what MX has done is base itself on Stable (kernel follows stable) but in it's installer it allows you to selectively install packages (relatively easily in a GUI) from testing (backports) as well, but also from their own repo (which is bleeding edge but well tested for common packages, like thunderbird, firefox etc) and also from Flatpacks. This allows you to run a very stable base but selectively take new versions of particular packages/programs that you might want to stay up to date with (beyond just security patches which debian stable provides).

It also has a lot of other useful utility apps to auto complete certain tasks, like auto repair GPG keys for broken repository sources or configure sound, graphics cards, samba configuration, network configuration etc etc

Anyway if you are interested in a Debian based linux distribution it might be worth a try..
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Re: MX Linux 23 now available

Post by stylofone »

I'm rusted on to LXDE at the moment (Lubuntu), but if I can become proficient with a Linux video editor and an audio production suite I'll be ready for a new distro which plays nicely with those programs.

Vegas Video and Reason Studio are the last two Windows programs I can't shake. I have too much investment in learning how to use them.
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Re: MX Linux 23 now available

Post by joele »

XFCE user here, been using it for two decades now, I have tried gnome 2/3, Mate, LXDE, KDE, fluxbox, Cinnamon etc. But I always come back to XFCE.

For any video editing I use Openshot (or avidemux if just splicing/slicing), but whether that is suitable for your needs I don't know? Plus learning curve that comes along with switching :-(

Thankfully he wasn't born in the US, can you imagine him running for president.. :cry:
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Re: MX Linux 23 now available

Post by Irrev-Black »

A Mate-based Minty here.

I use Openshot on videos, but I'm just cutting long'uns down into little'uns, mostly.
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Re: MX Linux 23 now available

Post by stylofone »

This post also had me glancing at, where I see Void is number one on their charts, with a review emphasising how nice it is with video. Hmmm. Could it be time to test my ageing brain to see if it can still climb up a learning curve? Actually, the answer is no, it's not time, not with moving house coming up soon. But after that, maybe!
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